What you can do

Big actions for individuals


Make your next vehicle electric

Buy an electric vehicle the next time you need to replace yours. Save up to $5,000 using our Good Energy rebates.

The government has installed electric vehicle charging stations across the Yukon to support Yukoners transitioning to electric vehicles. See our map of electric vehicle charging stations across the Yukon.

You can also get money back when you install a charger at your home or business through the Good Energy rebates.

Rebates are also available for zero-emission snowmobile and motorcycles.


Add insulation to your home

Complete an energy assessment to find out where your home is losing heat. Add insulation to your walls, slab or attic. You can get money back for your renovation work in the following ways.


Install a heat pump

Supplement or replace your fossil fuel heating system with an efficient cold-climate air source-heat pump. You can get money back for your renovation work in the following ways.


Use wood to heat your home

Install a cordwood stove, a pellet stove or a wood boiler. Get money back through our Good Energy rebates.


Prepare your home and neighbourhood for forest fires

Climate change can increase the frequency and intensity of forest fires. This puts your home and community at risk. 

Learn to FireSmart your home and property. Check out how to keep your property safe from wildfires. 


Prepare your home for flooding

Climate change can cause increased risk of flooding. This puts your home and community at risk.

Check out how to prepare your home for the risk of flooding.