Progress dashboard

Goal 1: Reduce Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions

Additional details on goal 1

Our target: By 2030, reduce the Yukon's non-mining greenhouse gas emissions by 45% lower than they were in 2010. This means emissions need to be around 321 kt CO2e by 2030.

Where we're at: Recent modelling suggests that we are on track to reduce emissions by 30% by 2030. In 2022, the Yukon's non-mining greenhouse gas emissions were 618 kt CO2e. 

Baseline (2010)


584.8 kt  
carbon dioxide equivalent

Current (2022)


618.1 kt  
carbon dioxide equivalent

Goal (2030)


321.0 kt 
carbon dioxide equivalent

Goal 2: Ensuring reliable, affordable and renewable energy

Additional details on goal 2

Our target: By 2030, 93% of electricity on Yukon’s main electricity grid to come from renewable sources, with an aspirational target of 97%.

Where we're at: 91.1% of Yukon’s electricity on the main grid was generated by renewable sources in 2023.

Electricity on Yukon's main grid generated by renewable sources

Current (2023) electricity generated from renewable sources

Goal (2030)

Diesel consumed in off-grid communities to generate electricity

Current (2023) consumption 
5.8 Mn L

Goal (2030) consumption 
3.1 Mn L

Goal 3: Adapting to the impacts of climate change 

Additional details on goal 3

Our target: By 2030, we will be highly resilient to the impacts of climate change. 

Where we're at: We completed the Yukon’s first Climate Risk Assessment in 2022. It identified priority areas to focus on as well as created a framework for resilience. The framework includes local and regional climate hazards and impacts, our values and potential actions. We've begun to measure and report on adaptation progress across five thematic areas of resilience: disaster resilience, infrastructure, health and well-being, environment, and economy.

How we're getting there:

  • increasing self-sufficiency and efficiency;
  • broadening education and knowledge sharing;
  • planning and preparing; and
  • working together and building capacity.

The Our Clean Future strategy has 
50+ actions 
supporting climate adaptation and resilience

The Yukon’s first Climate Risk Assessment helps understand local and regional climate hazards and impacts, our values and potential actions we can take. An example of an action is undertaking community-based research on climate risks, through mapping and hazard identification.

The Yukon has several climate related hazards that we are working to understand and plan for, including:

  • wildland fire;
  • permafrost thaw;
  • changes to snow;
  • changes to vegetation and wildlife;
  • ice and water; and
  • extreme weather.

Goal 4: Building a green economy

Additional details on goal 4

Our target: By 2030, our greenhouse gas emissions per capita and our greenhouse gas emissions per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) will decrease compared to 2010 levels.

Where we're at: In 2022, the Yukon was ranked 6th in Canada for emissions per person.


In 2022, emissions per GDP down 
and emissions per capita down
compared to 2010.