Yukoners making change
The Thomson family own and operate Jat’s Backyard Landscaping Ltd. They own an old building in downtown Whitehorse that was extremely expensive to heat. Even after retrofitting the building and adding insulation, Alan Thomson found the heating system was not efficient. His long time heating contractor, ACS Mechanical’s Chris Schmidt, suggested installing a wood boiler and using wood waste, gathered from the Thomsons’ business, as fuel.
The Thomson family now salvages wood waste from their pruning and FireSmart jobs. They process that wood in their on-site branch logger.
The wood boiler system is cost-effective for the family business. If they did not burn the wood waste, they'd have to pay to dispose of it in the landfill. Thrilled with their biomass system, Alan and his family expanded its use to heat the flooring in their greenhouse. Last winter, they turned off their backup oil heater for the entire winter.